Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991) is an action-packed martial arts film directed by Mark L. Lester and starring Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee. Set in the Little Tokyo district of Los Angeles, the movie follows two cops, Sergeant Chris Kenner (Lundgren) and Detective Johnny Murata (Lee), who team up to take down a brutal Yakuza crime syndicate led by the villainous Yoshida (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa).
Kenner, raised in Japan and skilled in martial arts, and Murata, a fast-talking, wise-cracking American with Japanese heritage, must navigate cultural differences and their own unique fighting styles as they battle against the ruthless Yakuza. Yoshida’s gang is involved in drug trafficking and other illegal activities, and the duo faces deadly threats at every turn as they try to stop the gang’s violent reign.
Known for its high-energy fight sequences, gunplay, and fast pace, Showdown in Little Tokyo blends 1990s action-movie tropes with martial arts choreography. Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee (in one of his early roles) make a dynamic duo, and the film has since gained a cult following despite being a modest box-office performer upon release.