Movie: Lost in Space (2018)
Trailer movie:
Lost in Space is a science fiction television series that reimagines the classic 1960s show of the same name. Set in a future where Earth faces environmental collapse, the Robinson family—John (Toby Stephens), Maureen (Molly Parker), and their children Judy (Taylor Russell), Penny (Mina Sundwall), and Will (Maxwell Jenkins) embarks on a mission to colonize a distant star system aboard the spaceship Resolute.
During their journey, the Robinsons, along with other colonists, encounter a rip in spacetime that throws their ship off course. Separated from the fleet, they crash-land on an unknown planet and must navigate its alien terrain while facing unforeseen dangers and making unsettling discoveries. As they strive to survive and find a way back to the Resolute, they unravel the mysteries of the planet and confront personal challenges that test their bonds as a family.